Final Blog Post For Room 18 Online 2009
The kids have met their new teacher for 2010, they've taken home their report cards, and they're now happily at home enjoying the holidays. Room 18 now sits empty and bare for the summer, waiting for a new teacher to move in.
I thought I'd take the opportunity in this final blog post to thank...
The students. You have achieved so much success this year and have come so far with your learning. We've had a lot of laughs in Room 18 and it's been awesome to work with such great little peoples. So, thanks Room've been fantastic to teach!
The parents and caregivers. Your support, wonderful words, and interest in what makes Room 18 such a great place, has been lovely. Thanks for your help this year and it's been a pleasure getting to know you.
To you, the audience! You may be an Auckland-based parent or a student in Room may be a distant relative in Christchurch, or a grandparent in Bermuda/the UK/ may be a teacher in Egypt or a kid in a very remote part of India. I really appreciate how you've helped Room 18ers understand that their learning is so important that people from all around the world are tuned in with fascination. So for your interest and comments, thank you, audience!
Merry Christmas, everyone. All the best for 2010. (-:
Mr. Nash
Hi Mr Nash,
you have been a FUNTASTIC teacher and I have learned lots of cool stuff with you. Have a merry Christmas from Ruby.
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